Saturday, November 29, 2008

My First Blog..

Yes this is my first blogging and gained interest by reading thru my sis and her daughter's blogs for almost a year now (Not by the thinking if they can write why cant I but with the way I keep people engaged with my talk the same can be converted to writing as well)..
Well now what should I blog is the next question in my mind ??
Becoz when I think of the events that shall be blogged there are lots of things that sorround my mind. So sticking to the basics I thought of finding the meaning for "blog". Quiet often we hear some terms like this, just get a glimpse of meaning about it and start using them without knowing the context.. For instance Words like "cool" - very common for guys who returned from US even on a short trip. When I heard this word very first time from a guy returned from US I didnt know why he told that. The context was in a Nair Tea shop where I told him "I had ordered a coffee for you". and he replied "cool". My another friend who is also ignorant about US accents innocently told you dont get ice cold coffee here. We also realized the complete meaning (I think so) after seeing "Shivaji -The Boss" where thalaivar dialogues were used in above similar manner..
SO back to the point I need to know wht exactly blog or blogging means and googling tells its a short form of Web Log or Web Logging where events are described. Hope I had done that.. If anybody had patience and courage to read this plz dropin your comments if 15min I spent here was OK


அமுதா said...

Welcome to the blogging world JP. Remove the word verification to post comments.

OPgiriYT said...

hi papi im giri not gini